Friday, June 13, 2014

New Game Post

Mac build is posted and ready for download. Go to the 'The Game' tab on the right and check it out. Also a PC one is going up as we speaaaak.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

So We're Going To Be at Comic Con

Hi all. Not dead. So the University of Denver Game Design program is going to have a booth at Denver Comic Con this weekend and Bumbershoot Inc, Underhaus, and more game design majors will be there! We'll be demoing our games as well as giving information and answering questions about the program. We got sweet free t-shirts and not to mention getting to go to Denver Comic Con for free all weekend. It's pretty exciting. I wonder if we can get William Shatner to demo our game.

In the meanwhile some major changes have been going on with the game. New levels, reformatted map layouts, redone textures, etc. Honestly I haven't had a chance to see the new and improved game since I technically finished school back in March (coincidentally our last post here) but I'm super stoked to see how it's going to look!

Don't know if we still don't have a fix for the Mac issue, but we'll try to resolve it ASAP.



Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's Here!

Updated Windows Build: Download Here
NEW Mac Build: Download Here

We are in the polishing stages now! Any game testers with feedback would be fantastic, please let us know if you do and what suggestions/bugs you find. At this point we probably won't add any more endings/levels, so we're going to beef up what we have.

Thanks for the support everyone!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Some more Screen Caps!

Some more rendered images from the game. Heehaw. Not much else to update. Still doing some polishing and still looking for game testers! Download the PC version of the game from the previous post and let us know how we're doing!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Newest Shiny Update!


Okay let me give a little more information. Above is a link to the Drop Box containing the most recent build of the game. Still only for PC people (Sorry! I've been pestering Rusty to get a Mac version. I want to play my own game dammit). So if any of you decide to playtest this new version, leave a comment and let us know how it turns out, what we can do to improve it, etc. We know it's short and straightforward, but we're working on it!

Reactions and Feedback so far:
Miles (FB friend of Apinya) (Also, mild language warning)-
Um, when I go out of the padded room into the forest thing, is the door, like, supposed to float off? Because that is fucking SWEET. Please make more, because that is fucking cool
Anyways, it all felt really straight forward and simple - I liked the mechanic of switching between being pilled out/psycho and not; I was hoping more narration would happen or maybe notes to explain a little bit of what's going on.
Didn't come across any game breaking bugs, but I did feel like I was moving just a bit too sluggishly - maybe adjust the rate of movement? Even if just for one of the states?
Anyways, puzzles felt evenly placed and spaced. Nothing was overly difficult, but the only time I felt like the game was making it easy for me was with that one key that had the lamp shining on it when you went mental.
[Level 2] The screw driver, I felt, could have been hidden a bit better.
[Level 3] It felt more like a portion of the local dog park, lol. The plants looked all tropical and stuff. Wider/steeper/with more rock dirt, I think, would make it feel more like a mountain/cliff
Thanks for play testing, Miles!




Tuesday, February 4, 2014

More Looksies.

Some more preview images, the last being a wall tile we'll be using in another level of the game we haven't implemented yet.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Game Document and Modeling Preview!

Look how creepy that chair looks! It's been a lot of planning and modeling and not a lot of blog updating but that's a sample of what the 3D modelers have been working on. Also here is a link to the design document/storyboard tree for the revamped game. We've got a lot of work ahead of us!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Greetings peasants

Apinya here. I've been put in charge of updating the blog. Sort of. Rusty pawned it off on me and I've graciously accepted because I can't code but rich text/HTML are my homies. Anyways, I'll be getting some detailed renders of in game objects going soon. Yelin has helped a lot with the modeling as Rusty pretty much has all of the coding down.

In the mean time, here's the most recent update on the game. Unfortunately this is the Windows version only, so even I can't run it.

Link to Game Download

Cheers all!